Jeff Pope Wood Flooring Inspections & Consultations™
- Homeowners: People like you with wood flooring issues or disputes with contractors who need professional advice or Expert Witness service.
- Law firms: Attorneys who need litigation support experts to help build their case and testify as their Expert Witness.
- Remodelers: Individuals or companies who find themselves in a dispute with their clients and need our services to resolve wood flooring issues, or they may call on us for expert help on technical points regarding an installation or house framing issue.
- Residential and commercial builders: Builders needing help to resolve wood flooring issues and disputes that arise after the sale of a home. It may be an issue relating to installation, sub-contractor error or manufacturing defects.
- Wood flooring installers and/or finishers: Contractors who engage our services to help settle disputes and seek advice in ways to help improve their services.
- Wood flooring distributers and retailers: Sellers of wood flooring products who find themselves party to a dispute or law suit engage our services to determine their responsibility, if any. The dispute could be delivery and installation of the wrong floor, questionable installation or manufacturing defects.
- Expert wood flooring installers: Installers with discriminating specialty and taste engage our services to pinpoint flaws and oversights in high end work before completing their assignments.
- Designers of ultra high-end floors and medallions: Customer satisfaction of intricate work is tops on their list. These individuals hire our services to inspect for imperfections in their work.
- NWFA "Expert Installer School" Certified Installers: Individuals specializing in custom design wood flooring call on us as an outside specialist to inspect and offer advice in the use of metal, glass, stone, special epoxies and other products that go into a custom built wood floor.
- Insurance Companies: Claims dispute and settlement.